da Lorenzo Fornaciari | Giu 19, 2019
Rukelie Commemorative illustration Johann “Rukelie” Trollman was a sinto boxer during Nazi Germany, he invented the boxing stile who later adopted Muhammad Ali and many others....
da Lorenzo Fornaciari | Mag 7, 2019
Colored pencil artworks Series of personal colored pencil...
da Lorenzo Fornaciari | Apr 8, 2019
Infinity Posters Comics style movie posters I colored for TV streaming provider Infinity to share on their social media. Pencils: Giuseppe Camuncoli Inks: Riccardo burchielli...
da Lorenzo Fornaciari | Apr 7, 2019
The queen & the king Personal artwork....
da Lorenzo Fornaciari | Ott 25, 2018
Innovate UK Assets design for the animated scenes of Food predictions video by Innovate UK....